Thursday, May 22, 2008

What a Week!

This week has been a busy one, run here and there. We survived our trip to Dallas with 19 8th grade kids. They seemed to have a good time and we know how difficult it can be to please 14 year olds at times. Talk about hot in Texas, I think they said it was a record high on Monday and believe felt like it. We got back last night from Dallas and today had to go pick up my dad at the airport. He has been in Alaska for about 2 months filling in as principal til the end of the school year. Man, was he ready to come home. He couldn't believe how green everything was here in Oklahoma but he had left here during spring break and things were just starting to green up a little. This will tell you how glad he was to be home, he made some statement like...he was looking forward to We are all glad to have him home, especially my mom and the grandkids.

Look what I got in the mail today, these are so adorable! I bought them from Cutie Goodie's Etsy Shop. I am going to have to buy more because I can imagine all kinds of projects for these cuties!

HOORAY for David Cook, winner of American Idol. Okay, can you tell I am a little excited about him winning?!!!
Everyone have a great Friday!!

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